Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Op-ed paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Op-ed paper - Essay Example Thank you for considering my opinion article. Respectfully yours, Beyond the Pink Slip With pink slips comes the slipping away of our educational system as well. This country boasts of technological breakthroughs and researches in the field of genetic engineering, space exploration and in almost every field of science. Our country have led the world into new inventions and incomparable advancement, never been seen in human history. Thanks to the persevering grade school teachers to university professors who have guided scientist, physicist, economist, military tactician, and artist that have steered this country’s prowess in the economic politico-military and socio cultural life of the world. This is what America owes to its excellent educational system. Teachers are at the heart of our country’s excellent educational system. But where are we pushing our teachers now? Where are we pushing our whole educational system? At the moment, the recent distribution of nearly 3,0 00 pink slips in Bay Area alone is generating a great stress not just to public school teachers, but to the whole academic community. Along with looming joblessness comes the lost of morale and deep anxiety for the teachers which eventually will lead them to poor teaching performance,(unconsciously). Students, on the other hand are left disillusioned on the importance of education, amidst on the situation of their teacher’s job instability. Are we to blame the teachers? Teaching remains one of the noblest professions around the world. I believe every teacher has a sincere and purest desire to impart knowledge and skills to every learner. Behind every doctor, engineer, or even the president of this nation is a persevering teacher, who had painstakingly taught the first stroke of writing and the sound of each letter in an alphabet. The job insecurity hounding their way it’s like executing the soul and pillar of our educational system. Pink slip snatches away the noblenes s of teaching profession. It strips off our teachers of their self worth and sense of dignity. In the long run, it will be stripping off our society with talented and devoted individuals who are committed to passing on knowledge to current and generations to come. Pink slip is not just a pink slip. It’s a manifestation of a declining state budget to education. At a glance, budget cut is equivalent only to massive lay off of public school teachers along with other non teaching staffs. But at the end of the day, who really suffers at the impeding new round of budget cut to education? Parents have to brace themselves for additional expenses in sending their children to school. Students have to contend with overcrowded classrooms .Teachers that luckily did not received pink slips this year are left anxious on who’s next on the pink slip list in the coming school year. Unconsciously, this vicious cycle has pitted teachers against one another in the race called survival of t he fittest which can become very stressful. Moreover, teachers are burdened with more workload and cheap salary. Pink slips reflect the current values of our state. They can afford to send bombs to Libya and Iraq through the UN Security Council. There is budget in so called â€Å"peacekeeping† measures and â€Å"national security†. There is budget for war while we have budget cut for education. Are we not in effect? Actually not securing our society with the declining

Monday, February 10, 2020

A view of Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

A view of - Essay Example It turns out that the country is geographically located in the Western Pacific Ocean and is a sovereign state of South East Asia. Its closest neighboring countries are China, Borneo, and Indonesia. I asked Tine how she has been enjoying her stay in her new home so far. She mentioned to me that although she loves the cold climate in the country, it sometimes make her long for the tropical weather in the Philippines. It seems that they have only 3 types of weather in the country hot, wet, and cold. The hot weather is felt almost the whole year round except during the so called Ber months when the cold winter air from China blows down to their area. While we partook of the Filipino snack, I could not help but mention to her that she did not look like a typical Filipino to me. Tine is relatively light skin toned with Latina features. She giggled a bit and thanked me for the compliment. She explained that the dark skinned Filipino is a myth perpetrated by their colonizers centuries ago. The Spaniards who were the first to colonize the country referred to them as Indios meaning â€Å"dark skinned† and the image seems to have stuck. I asked Tine to describe a typical Filipino to me then. She said that was next to impossible because of the diluted blood of the Filipinos. Tine herself has a mix of Filipino-Spanish-Chinese blood in her. While Don, her husband is of American-Filipino descent. She told me that there are no pure blooded Filipinos anymore. They have inter married with other nationalities so many times that one would be hard pressed to describe a typical Filipino look. It is because of their colonization by the Spaniards, Americans, and Japanese that their customs and traditions have also become a hybrid of two or three various cultures that create a totally unique Filipino culture and customs. She used the Maskara Festival in one of their provinces as an example of the hybrid custom and tradition in the country. Their culture and